SEMINAIRES DU GOTHA ____________________ vendredi 30 mars au LIP6 (Site Scott) Salle C769 à 10h00. Exposé de Federico Della Croce, D.A.I., Politecnico di Torino TITRE : Recovering Beam Search, a hybrid heuristic framework for combinatorial optimization problems: application to machine scheduling problems. RESUME : We propose a framework for the development of polynomial time heuristics for combinatorial optimization (CO) problems. This framework combines different classical techniques such as tree search procedures (in a beam search context), bounding schemes and local search. The main structure of the proposed approach is the following: a beam search with constant beam size is applied where the nodes evaluation process is based on the weighted sum of the nodes upper and lower bounds. Peculiarity of the approach is that, for each node, the lower and upper bounds are computed through an iterative approach which generates a significant number of solutions causing an in-depth exploration of the solutions space. Once a node selected by the beam and the corresponding partial solution are derived, the available dominance conditions for the considered problem are applied to the current partial solution x to see whether it is dominated by another partial solution y with the same level of the search tree. If this is the case, y becomes the new current partial solution. Notice that by keeping the same level of the search tree we guarantee to explore a polynomial number of nodes. This step allows to recover from previous wrong decisions of the beam search procedure and can be seen as a local search step on the partial solution. We present here the application to two well known machine scheduling problems: the two-machine total completion time flow shop scheduling problem and the single machine dynamic total completion time scheduling problem. The proposed framework seems reasonably general-purpose and applicable to a wide range of CO problems.